Grantham Civic Society has a Planning Committee which looks at all planning applications each week within the town boundary and those affecting the town itself. The plans may be for new buildings or changes to existing ones, or for traffic junctions and schemes involving open spaces.
We try to encourage reuse of redundant buildings, sympathetic renovation and good new design. Our Awards Scheme looks at New Build, Shop Fronts, Building Renovation and Environmental Enhancement and recognises good design and sustainability.
Rivercare is a group with its membership dedicated to the practical aspects of cleaning out rubbish from the river, enhancing the landscape for wildlife and people.
Grantham has been identified as a Government Growth Point and its population is set to expand dramatically by 2040 with many thousands of new homes being planned. Grantham Civic Society is regularly consulted by South Kesteven District Council and has met with English Heritage on the growth implications to the heritage of the town.
As well as promoting our heritage within Grantham, the Society establishes links with other towns and is frequently hosted at some of these towns by their own Civic Societies. These links foster good relations and sharing of ideas, so that the Society might further preserve the good in the old and encourage the good in the new in our own town of Grantham.